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Match score

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Match score

David Kipiani Cup - football of Georgia

  • Standing
  • Calendar
Date Home Score Away
06.12.23 18:00 Saburtalo
1 : 0
Dinamo Batumi
07.11.23 19:00 Saburtalo
2 : 1
07.11.23 17:00 Kolkheti Poti
1 : 3
Dinamo Batumi
Date Time Team Score Team
7 Nov 2023, Tue 17:00 Kolkheti Poti 1 : 3 Dinamo Batumi
7 Nov 2023, Tue 19:00 Saburtalo 2 : 1 Samgurali
6 Dec 2023, Wed 18:00 Saburtalo 1 : 0 Dinamo Batumi

Tournament statistics

Matches played 39
With a draw (total /% of the total number of matches played) -
Home wins (total /% of total wins) 16/41.03%
Guest wins (total /% of total wins) 23/58.97%
Goals (total / average per match) 136/3.5
Goals from the penalty spot (total /% of the total number of goals) -
Home goals (total /% of the total number of goals) 61/44.85%
Away goals (total /% of the total number of goals) 75/55.15%
Yellow cards (total / average per match) 29/0.7
Home matches (total / average per match) 14/0.4
Away matches (total / average per match) 15/0.4
Red cards (total / average per match) 1/0
Home matches (total / average per match) -
Away matches (total / average per match) 1/0

Player Statistics

  • Top Scorers
  • Fouls
Full name Team Goals Penalty Played
M. Gavashelishvili
Kolkheti Poti
4 - 3
L. Papava
3 - 2
I. Rukhadze
2 1 1
L. Silagadze
2 1 4
T. Chikovani
Kolkheti Poti
2 - 4
T. Kurtanidze
Lokomotivi Tbilisi
2 - 2
L. Khorkheli
2 - 3
I. Tabatadze
2 - 5
N. Gocholeishvili
IRAO Tbilisi
2 - 3
Dinamo Batumi
2 - 3
Full name Team Yellow Cards Red Cards Played
L. Shergelashvili
Torpedo Kutaisi
2 1 2
G. Chabradze
Dinamo Batumi
2 1 2
D. Sitchinava
Kolkheti Poti
2 1 4
A. Mesiachenko
Kolkheti Poti
2 - 3
L. Kupatadze
2 - 5
M. Rom
2 - 2
M. Kometiani
IRAO Tbilisi
2 - 2
D. Tsnobiladze
2 - 2
G. Germozashvili
2 - 2
M. Rasulov
Kolkheti Khobi
2 - 2
